Thursday, June 12, 2008

Setting the keel and breasthook

Today I worked on setting the keel and checking for center alignment on the frames. I worked on lining it all up first with a string over the middle and it all looked pretty good. I noticed the frames are off the one side a bit and it caused me to have to reset the transom to get it all square. I regretted having to take the transom loose because of the angle it has on it. I did it relatively faster than the first time I mounted it so that was better.

I decided a while back that I would not cut any of the notches in the framing just because I didn’t think it would all line up right. The way I am doing it is to lay the board up on center were I want it on the frames then draw lines around it and then come back and fit them. I did one at a time working my way forward chiseling and sawzall’ing it all. It all worked out well and I mocked up the fitting of the keel before I glued anything. I glued it all up and used straps and clamps to hold it all overnight. I put wedges in centerboard area to be sure the straps did not pull it into the slot I had cut.

I also fit the breast hook and I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to hold the base secure while I work above. I figured after the keel sets up in the glue it will be better. We will see tomorrow.

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