Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Building Frames

Today I started cutting frames; I was pretty excited about getting started with actual wood cutting. My new Jig Saw and Belt sander came in yesterday and they worked pretty well. I still ended up using my skill saw more seeing that it would cut the straight edges better. I used the Jig Saw for cutting the curved areas and then smoothed it all up with my Belt Sander. I hand sanded some of it to fit better and used my belt sander for that as well.

After getting started I realized I was not going to have the right size boards in enough quantity. I needed more 1x8 boards because the “V” in the over all length of the bottom part of the frame spread out to about 7 inches. That meant another trip to the lumber yard, I went back to Lowe’s because my local yard was not able to get the 1x8 material I needed fast enough. The 1x8 at Lowe’s I can only get in Oak and it cost $45 for a 1x8x10 board and I needed about 4 more. I would rather get the Douglas fir since it’s about half of that price but they only have it in 1x6’s. I really wanted to get started so I purchased the oak and went back to the shop to start cutting more. My local lumber yard had to special order the Marine Plywood and it should be in tomorrow I need it to laminate the corners of my frames together per the instructions. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to start on the gluing and laminating.

I took some pictures to show what I have completed today in about 6 hours between the actual work and going to Lowe’s. I am going to read through the instructions some more tonight and look at the blue print of the frames to be sure I don’t miss something.

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