Thursday, May 22, 2008

More frames

I worked on the frames some more today and started on the transom. The frames are coming to together pretty well although I am still waiting for the plywood to come in from the lumber yard so I can start the laminating process with the frames. The lumber yard is saying it will be the middle of next week some time for the plywood to come in; some of the pieces are coming as far away as Oklahoma. That tells you the plywood is pretty scarce in the Midwest. It’s ok that it’s taking a while its giving me some time to make all the pieces of the frames and to review what I am doing hopefully to not make any mistakes. I have to say I am still a little confused with the transom and how you are supposed to make it angle properly if it does not attach to the sub-frame I have to build for the frames to set on during the building process. I will keep making pieces and reading over the print and directions every time that I work on it hopefully to see something that will tip me off about making the transom.

Memorial Day weekend starts on Friday so we will be off away from the shop some taking a break for a while and will come home the first of the week to get a fresh start back on the boat. Everyone that walks by my frames in the shop thinks it looks like its coming along pretty fast and looks good. Of course the entire shop smells like a woodworking shop now instead of a bike shop but its ok, we needed a change in the smell around here.

I am attaching more pictures of what I made today and the progress of all the frames spread out on the ground.

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